
Selenium for Android is a test automation tool for hybrid and native Android apps and the mobile web

Test Automation for Hybrid and Native Apps with Selendroid

Selendroid android studio is a test automation framework which drives off the UI of native and hybrid Android applications and mobile web apps. Tests are written using Selenium 2 client API.

Features of Selendroid

  1. Selendroid can interact with multiple Android devices simultaneously.
  2. Fully compatible with JSON Wire Protocol.
  3. Selendroid can be extended at the runtime with your own extensions.
  4. UI elements in the apps can be found by distinct locator types.
  5. It Automatically starts the existing emulators.
  6. It supports web driver compatible languages like Java, C#, Perl
  7. Supports “Hot Plugging”.

Hardware devices are required to plug or unplug from the PC during test execution without restarting or stopping the test. Selendroid can recognize new devices automatically. This feature is known as “Hotplugging”.

Selendroid python interface enables Mobile Application Testers to automate the tests and use multiple devices simultaneously during testing.